Max True: The Story of the King of Muscle Ups

Max True: The Story of the King of Muscle Ups

Dive into the inspiring story of Maksim "Max True" Trukhanavets, a software engineer and calisthenics athlete from Belarus who has made a lasting name for himself in the sport. From breaking the Guinness record for muscle-ups to championing a balanced approach to work and fitness, explore his commitment to excellence and his advice for aspiring athletes. Click to read more about his incredible journey!

Key Takeaways

● Maksim "Max True" Trukhanavets is a talented calisthenics athlete and software engineer from Belarus.
● He has achieved multiple titles in his career, including breaking the Guinness record for muscle-ups in rings.
● Max's long-term goals include becoming stronger and enjoying the calisthenics scene.
● He trains for 1.5-2 hours per session, six to seven times a week, and emphasizes the importance of consistency and patience in training.
● Max follows a healthy, balanced diet and remains skeptical about the significant effects of most supplements on performance and recovery.

Maksim Trukhanavets, known as "Max True," is a Belarusian calisthenics athlete and software engineer whose passion for the sport has led to an impressive career. In this athlete portrait, we'll explore Max's journey, from his early days in football and martial arts to his incredible Guinness record achievement in calisthenics.

Early Life and Athletic Background

Born on July 12, 1989, in Belarus, Max True began his athletic journey with football and martial arts before discovering calisthenics in 2004. His diverse athletic background and dedication to mastering new disciplines have played a crucial role in shaping Max into the exceptional athlete he is today.

Full Name Maksim Trukhanavets
Nickname Max True
Height 172 cm (5 feet 7.7 inches)
Weight 72 kg (158.7 lbs)
Birthplace Belarus
Nationality Belarusian
Birthday 12.07.1989
Age 33 years old (as of 2023)
Profession Calisthenics Athlete, Software Engineer
Upper Arm Circumference 41 cm (16.1 inches)
Started with Calisthenics 2004
Sports Background Football, Martial Arts

Calisthenics Career and Achievements

Max's calisthenics career is filled with numerous accomplishments, including:

  • Champion of Belarus in Calisthenics
  • Guinness record holder
  • Mutant Cup 1st place
  • Beast of the Barz 1st place

His greatest success came after five years of preparation, when he broke the Guinness record for muscle-ups. This achievement, along with his other titles, has earned Max recognition as a formidable competitor in the calisthenics community.

Training and Equipment

Max trains for 1.5 - 2 hours per session, six to seven times a week. His top 3 pieces of equipment for his workouts are the Weight Vest, Parallettes, and Gymnastic Rings. He particularly enjoys using GORNATION's Premium Parallettes for his workouts. For beginners, Max advises consistency and patience in their training. When he struggles to find motivation, he pushes himself to do something easy and different, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a consistent routine.

You can find a list of Max's favorite equipment here:

If you want to learn more about Max’ workouts and approach, check out the article about his workouts:

Nutrition and Supplements

Max follows a healthy, balanced diet, incorporating meat, vegetables, and dairy products. He believes that creatine can be beneficial but has only used it twice. For other supplements, Max remains skeptical about their significant effects on performance and recovery.

Integrating Calisthenics into Daily Life

As a software engineer, Max sees calisthenics as a way to take a break from his work. He finds that the sport helps improve his overall life, allowing him to maintain a healthy balance between work and fitness. Max: "Calisthenics doesn't interfere with your life; it helps your life be better."

Max's Message to the Calisthenics Community

As a successful athlete and software engineer, Maksim "Max True" Trukhanavets serves as an inspiration to those looking to pursue their passion for calisthenics. His dedication to the sport and determination to continually improve demonstrate the transformative power of calisthenics.

Max's journey is a reminder that success in calisthenics and life comes from consistency, hard work, and the willingness to learn from our experiences. By integrating calisthenics into our daily lives, we can develop not only our physical strength but also our mental resilience and discipline.

As Max's career continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more incredible feats of strength and skill from this software engineer turned calisthenics champion. His message of perseverance and balance will undoubtedly inspire countless others to embrace the world of calisthenics and unlock their full potential.

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