Daniel Hristov

Daniel Hristov

Daniel Hristov


Frequently Asked Questions

Daniel Hristov was born in Bulgaria.

Daniel is based in Bulgaria.

Daniel Hristov is 167 cm tall (5 feet 6 inches).

Daniel weighs 57 kg (126 lbs).

Daniel started his calisthenics journey at 18, in 2018.

Daniel is a two-time calisthenics world champion and has won titles at SWUB and FIBO.

Daniel overcame a severe head injury and returned to calisthenics stronger than ever.

Daniel aims to become the most successful calisthenics athlete of all time.

Learn more about Hristov, his life and his workout routines

Daniel Hristov: A Calisthenics Champion's Journey

About Daniel Hristov

Daniel Hristov is a leading figure in the calisthenics world, celebrated for his remarkable strength, resilience, and dedication. Born in Bulgaria, Daniel has become a household name in the sport, having won multiple prestigious titles, including two World Championships in freestyle calisthenics. His rise to fame is even more inspiring considering the challenges he's overcome, notably a severe head injury that would have sidelined most athletes. However, Daniel's indomitable spirit saw him return stronger than ever, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in calisthenics.

Daniel's Training and Achievements

At 167 cm tall and weighing 57 kg, Daniel has honed his body through years of intense training. His workout regimen is rigorous, with sessions lasting 3-4 hours, 4-5 times a week, focusing on both static and dynamic movements. Daniel's passion for calisthenics is evident not just in his physical prowess but in his determination to become the most successful athlete in the sport's history. His journey began at 18, and since then, he has continually pushed his limits, setting new standards for strength, flexibility, and endurance.

Daniel's Competition Success

In addition to his World Championship titles, Daniel has secured victories at prestigious competitions like SWUB and FIBO, making him one of the most decorated athletes in the sport. His personal records are equally impressive, with notable feats in muscle-ups, pull-ups, dips, and squats. Beyond his athletic achievements, Daniel is also known for his humble and grounded personality, choosing to focus on his craft rather than the spotlight.

Inspiration and Influence

Daniel's influence extends beyond his competition wins. He inspires countless athletes around the world with his story of overcoming adversity and his relentless pursuit of excellence. His training philosophy emphasizes consistency, dedication, and the belief that no matter the obstacles, one can always strive to improve. Whether through his social media presence or his performances on the world stage, Daniel continues to motivate and lead by example.

Explore Daniel Hristov's Story

To delve deeper into Daniel Hristov's incredible journey, training regimen, and his vision for the future of calisthenics, visit GORNATION and be inspired to push your own boundaries.