Max True & Sergio Di Pasquale: How Two Calisthenics Pros Train Differently for Strength and Endurance

Max True & Sergio Di Pasquale: How Two Calisthenics Pros Train Differently for Strength and Endurance

Discover the training secrets of professional calisthenics athletes Max True and Sergio Di Pasquale in our podcast interview. Learn their approaches to strength-based vs. endurance-based workouts and find out which method could work best for you.
Train Your Biceps with Rings: Calisthenics Workout Guide Reading Max True & Sergio Di Pasquale: How Two Calisthenics Pros Train Differently for Strength and Endurance 6 minutes

Who are Max True and Sergio Di Pasquale?

In the world of professional calisthenics, few athletes stand out like Max True and Sergio Di Pasquale. Both have mastered their craft, yet their approaches to training are vastly different. While Max focuses on short, intense sessions that push him to failure, Sergio takes a longer, volume-based route, often training for over three hours with high numbers of reps but also reps in reserve.

After interviewing both of the calisthenics athletes, in this blog post, we’ll explore their contrasting methods and uncover what drives their success. Whether you're looking for short, intense workouts or long, steady sessions, there's something to learn from both athletes. Plus, we’ll share insights into the tools they both rely on, such as weighted vests, dip belts, and liquid chalk.

Ready to learn more about how Max and Sergio approach their training? Let’s dive in!

Sergio Di Pasquale’s Approach: Long Sessions Focused on Volume

Sergio Di Pasquale is known for his ability to maintain high energy levels over long, grueling training sessions. His workouts often last more than three hours, focusing on high volume and maintaining reps in reserve, meaning he rarely pushes himself to failure. This method allows Sergio to keep his body fresh for longer sessions, gradually building endurance and strength.

Key Elements of Sergio’s Training:

  • High Volume: Sergio incorporates many sets and reps in his routine, often choosing not to max out on every set. This approach allows him to manage fatigue and avoid injury while still building strength over time.
  • Minimal Training to Failure: By keeping his reps in reserve, Sergio ensures that his muscles have enough energy for long sessions, gradually building both strength and endurance.

Tools of the Trade:

While Sergio doesn’t push to failure often, he does add weights to exercises like pull-ups and dips. For these, he uses the Premium Dip Belt, an essential for adding resistance while keeping form intact.

Additionally, Sergio incorporates a Weight Vest for exercises like squats and push-ups. The vest helps him increase resistance, further pushing his endurance and muscle growth.

Sergio loves running:

While the physical benefits for his calisthenics workouts might not be the most important, Sergio likes to do runs between 10 to 20 kilometers. This trains his mindset to push through pain and keeps him focused during his sets.

Max True’s Method: Short, Intense, Failure-Based Training

In contrast to Sergio’s long sessions, Max True is all about efficiency and intensity. Max’s training sessions typically last between 1 to 2 hours - a big contrast to Sergio’s 3+ hour workouts. His focus? Training until failure. By pushing his muscles to the point of exhaustion, Max aims to maximize strength gains in a short amount of time.

Key Elements of Max’s Training:

  • Training to Failure: Max believes in pushing each set until his muscles give out. This allows for quick, noticeable gains in strength and muscle size.
  • Shorter Sessions: With a focus on intensity, Max’s workouts are shorter but much more demanding. He aims to achieve maximum fatigue in a short time.

Tools of the Trade:

Just like Sergio, Max uses the Premium Dip Belt for exercises like pull-ups and dips, helping him add resistance and reach failure more quickly.

He also uses the Elite Weight Vest for weighted push-ups and squats, helping him challenge his muscles in every session.

The reason behind his workout style:

By having a full-time job and a family, Max is forced to structure his workouts in the most efficient way possible. Sets until failure and quick home workouts help him to do so.

Key Differences: Volume vs. Intensity

While both Max and Sergio incorporate additional weights into their routines, the key difference between their training styles lies in how they approach volume and intensity.

  • Sergio opts for longer sessions, focusing on volume and rarely training to failure. His high-rep approach helps him build endurance, and his focus is on sustainable growth over time.
  • Max, on the other hand, pushes to failure in shorter, more intense sessions. His focus on high intensity and exhaustion yields rapid strength gains in a shorter period.

This difference highlights how athletes can tailor their training based on personal goals. Those looking for endurance and longer stamina should consider Sergio’s approach, while those aiming for fast muscle gains might find Max’s style more beneficial.

Shared Tools: Weighted Training for Strength Gains

Despite their differences, both Max and Sergio rely heavily on weighted training to enhance their routines. Here’s how they use additional weights:

  • Weighted Dips & Pull-Ups: Both athletes use a Premium Dip Belt to add resistance to classic movements like pull-ups and dips. Adding weight helps them progressively overload their muscles, leading to greater strength gains.
  • Weighted Push-Ups & Squats: Max and Sergio both incorporate a Weight Vest into their routines, particularly for exercises like push-ups and squats, increasing resistance without compromising form.

To ensure they maintain a firm grip, both athletes rely on Premium Liquid Chalk during their workouts. This helps maintain grip, especially when performing high-rep or heavy-weight exercises.

Watch the Battle between Max True and Sergio Di Pasquale at Calisthenics Cup FIBO 2024:


Max True and Sergio Di Pasquale offer two very different but equally effective approaches to calisthenics training. Whether you resonate more with Max’s short, intense workouts or Sergio’s long, volume-based sessions, both methods can help you achieve impressive strength and endurance gains. The key is finding what works best for your body and your goals.

No matter which training approach you choose, equipping yourself with the right gear—like a weighted vestsdip belts, and liquid chalk—can significantly enhance your performance and results.

Want to hear more from Max True and Sergio Di Pasquale? Listen to the full podcast interview here!

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